Zombies. Laufen. Düstere Spätdämmerung. Laufen. Die Optik wirft Erinnerung an Renaissance auf. Laufen. Ich stolpere, suche hektisch nach Balance. Laufen. Widerliches, tief grollendes Stöhnen dringt in die Ohren. Laufen. Das Herz trommelt wider den Brustkorb, der Atem überschlägt sich. Laufen. Kettensäge – klassisch; milde Splatter-Komponente. Laufen. Kaum Sicht im Kornfeld. Maisblätter schlagen ins Gesicht, gierige Hände streifen die Schultern. Laufen, in den Wald, stolpern… kalte klammernde Hände, ein trauriges Ende am Waldboden. Geruch von Fäulnis und Tannennadeln. 3122 Meter.
Mein Kopfkino zum endless running game „Into the Dead“, veröffentlicht von PikPok auf iOS und Android – und verzeichnet laut Presse mittlerweile über 10 Mio Downloads. Das Thema Zombies ist nicht tot. Wie sein Inhalt erhebt sich die Form stetig aufs Neue aus ihrem Grab.
Vielleicht weil „Walking Dead“. Oder der stark „uncanny valley“-esken Züge der Zombies. „Into the Dead“ macht als casual game alles richtig: die simple, aber süchtig machende Mechanik von Temple Run geklaut, Download für kostenlos, Progress auch ohne reales Geld ok, die finsterliche Optik der späten Dämmerung darüber gestülpt. Diese „Zombie Noir“-Optik, gestützt von typischem Zombieächzen und rasendem Atem der Spielfigur, verleiht dem Titel Atmosphäre und – trotz seiner Nähe zu ähnlichen endless running Titeln – Eigenständigkeit. Unterstrichen vom klassischen Waffenarsenal: Kettensäge und Schrotflinte. MG. Granaten.
Die Zombie-Apokalypse ist über uns hereingebrochen. Du läufst verzweifelt durch die Zombierhorden davon, getragen von der Hoffnung zu entkommen. Tatsächlich ist dein Ziel aber möglichst viele Meter zurück zu legen, bevor dein Gehirn ausgelutscht wird, denn dein Ende ist unabwendbar. Du findest Waffen, erst eine Pistole, in späteren Missionen eine Kettensäge, eine Schrotflinte. BLAM! Wirbelnde Zombiefetzen befüllen dich mit der Illusion, du könntest ein sicheres Ziel erreichen. Tatsächlich kaufen dir die paar Patronen lediglich Sicherheit für ein paar hundert Meter.
Ich laufe automatisch. Ich kann ausweichen. Und eine brenzlige Situation mit der Shotgun entschärfen – so ich noch etwas von der knappen Munition übrig habe.
„Into the Dead“ ist simpel. Aber das macht nichts.
Sobald ich die aktuellste Highscore – angezeigt in zurückgelegten Laufmetern – erreicht habe, verdoppelt sich der Nervenkitzel, hektische links-rechts-Schwenker, nervöse Blicke zur Score, inklusive zahlreicher endknapper „wuuaaaahh-phewww“-Momente. Ich komme wieder. Und Morgen breche ich die Highscore meines Freundes Nensen, der Spanier glaubt doch nicht wirklich, er könne die Zombie-Apokalypse länger überleben als ich? Que passa!?!
Durch das Erfüllen von Zielen wie „Töte 10 Zombies in einem Lauf“ oder „Stelle einen neuen Entfernungsrekord ohne Extras auf“ schaltet man schrittweise neue Missionen und Spielmodi frei, und damit auch weitere Waffen. Lowbobs können nicht erreichte Missionsschritte auch mit Cash oder im Spiel verdientem Geld überspringen.
Je länger die überlebte Strecke, desto mehr Geld wird pro Mission verdient. Dieses Geld fließt in Extras wie „Starte mit einer Pistole“ und „Mehr Munition“, was deine Chancen inmitten geifernder Zombies enorm erhöht.
Soweit ich es überblicken kann, verdient man genug Geld um sinnvoll zu spielen, der Shop ist für Ungeduldige, etwa um Waffen vor Erreichen des jeweiligen Spielziels zu erhalten (Handgranate GIEV!); für 1,80 € kann man permanent die Werbung abstellen. Ich kann nicht umhin die Preise als „sehr fair“ zu bezeichnen. Bei der vorliegenden Spielqualität stört mich im „für umsonst“-Modus nichtmal die Vollbild-Werbeeinblendung nach jeder Mission.
Eine Warnung bevor ich es vergesse: in Sachen Steuerung dringend die Kippfunktion aktivieren, in rechts-links Taps verliert sich die Dynamik des panischen Ausweichens total. Dagegen glänzt die Kombination aus tappen zum Schießen und Kippbewegungen zum Laufen in einfacher, aber fesselnder Eleganz.
Plötzlich erwischt man sich dabei, wie der eigene Oberkörper sich mehr und mehr in die gewünschte Laufrichtung neigt, in der verzweifelten Hoffnung dadurch die Bewegung nach links oder rechts zu beschleunigen, während ein langezogenes „Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahneeeeiiiiiiiiinnn!“ durch deinen Kopf hallt… so simpel. So mitreißend.
P.S. Dezent USK-politisch unkorrekt, aber der Entwickler grüßt trotzdem fröhlich aus dem Fenster von Schloß Wolfenstein und winkt im Shop mit einem Skin-Pack für deine Gegner:
Die Zombie-Apokalypse erwartet dich! Im Bus oder auf der Couch – während deine Freundin verblödet bei „Vampire Diaries“ ist es einfach angebrachter deine Aggression mittels Kettensäge an Zombies zu adressieren, nicht an Sie. Vergiss nicht: kommt es tatsächlich zur Zombie-Invasion, wird dir ein Partner der langsamer läuft als du noch richtig nützlich sein…
„Into the Dead“ von PikPok auf dein Handy oder Tablet ziehen:
Na – plötzlich erscheint Laufen gehen viel attraktiver, nicht wahr?
Warum sagt man eigentlich “ich gehe laufen”? Paradox. Ich gehe lieber weiter zocken….
on Sep 16th, 2023
@ 04:28:
Matthew Michael D’Agati serves as the proprietor of Renewables Worldwide, an alternative energy Company in Massachusetts.
A handful of period ago, embarking on an adventurous journey, Matthew D’Agati ventured into the world of solar, also in a short moments started efficiently marketing megawatts of power, primarily on the commercial sector, collaborating with solar farm developers and local businesses in the “architecture” of personal plans.
Consistent networking inside of the field, encouraged Matthew to unite with a town start up 2 years inside, and within a brief period, he assumed the role of their Chief Strategy Officer, responsible for all companies and website progress, in addition to being sold small section title.
During strategic partnerships and sheer move ethical code, Matthew D’Agati elevated that organization from a modest earliest-year wages to more than a 1000% surge in low purchases by season two. Building on that basis, RW, a veteran-managed business, was conceived with military mission of offering renewable fuel choices for an intelligent and more safe future.
Extra particularly, recognizing there is a niche in the industry and an improved approach to enjoy information, RW is one of a handful of employers in the states to focus on buyer acquiring, focusing in both industry and commercial solar grind off-take. Your eye sight is to establish a deals infrastructure on a local, statewide, countrywide level, offering a multitude of unlimited stamina appliances around the of Renewables Worldwide, Inc..
This dedication in really renewable sector keeps going to shake and drive Matt in carrying on his journey to work with corporations that promote the alike of serving limitless vitality products for a much more renewable long-term. Matthew features a in commercial from Hesser College.
[url=https://groups.wharton.upenn.edu/filmm/officers/]Locating the least expensive form of electricity with Matthew dagati.[/url]
on Sep 16th, 2023
@ 17:07:
Matthew Michael D’Agati acts as the proprietor of RW, a Solar Company in MA.
A handful of decades ago, taking an adventurous journey, Matt D’Agati ventured into the world of solar, furthermore in a occasion began successfully marketing significant amounts of power, predominately inside the business sector, partnering with solar farm developers and local businesses in the “architecture” of specific ideas.
Consistent marketing web around the business, encouraged Matthew to sign up to a regional startup 2 decades back, and in no time, he assumed the role of their Chief Strategy Officer, overseeing all functions and business formation, in addition to being sold community title.
Over specific close ties and sheer perform principles, Matt D’Agati elevated that companionship from a marginal initially-year gains to more than a 240% build up in megascopic purchases by annum two. On that premise, Renewables Worldwide’s (RW), an master-held business, was made with the vision of delivering sustainable stamina remedies for an intelligent and more alternative future.
Greater chiefly, realizing there is a niche in the industry and an improved approach to realize consequences, RW is one of a select number of manufactures in the united states of america to direct on shoppers exchange, focusing in both industrial and household solar run grind off-take. A dream is to create a sales base on a community-based, statewide, national level, offering various natural electricity products within the of Renewables Worldwide, Inc..
This dedication in their renewable sector goes to shake and inspire Matthew in persistent his pursuit to work with agencies that share the similar of selling natural electrical answers for a extra supportable longer term. Matthew has actually a good in small business from Hesser College.
https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Matthew-Agati/-1437161641 – In what way do public sun-powered systems operate like described from Matthew D’Agati?
on Sep 18th, 2023
@ 03:15:
Matt Michael D’Agati is the proprietor of Renewables Worldwide, a Solar Firm in Massachusetts.
A few time period ago, venturing into an adventurous journey, Matthew D’Agati stepped into the world of solar, furthermore within a opportunity started efficiently marketing megawatts of power, primarily within the business sector, working with developers of solar farms and local businesses in the “design” of their campaigns.
Ongoing networking within the business, headed Matthew to start a surrounding start up 2 a long time back, and in a brief period, he became their Chief Strategy Officer, overseeing all surgeries and business improvement, as well as being granted select few property.
From specific collaborations and sheer move moral principle, Matt D’Agati brought that companionship from a marginal very first-year returns to over a 250% maximize in overall income by day two. Based on that foundation, RW, an expert-owned and operated business, was created with goal of delivering sustainable energy systems for a more intelligent and more ecological future.
A whole lot more specially, realizing there is a niche in the market and an enhanced method to secure benefits, RW is one of a select number of manufactures in the states to highlight on consumer obtain, focusing in both profitable and domestic solar-operated town off-take. A visualization is to initiate a commissions infrastructure on a regional, statewide, national level, offering various renewable focus equipment among the of Renewables Worldwide, Inc..
This dedication in their sustainable sector continues to agitate and motivate Matt in enduring his pursuit to work with groups that promote the the exact same of giving sustainable power methods for a additional renewable potential. Matt features each in market from Hesser College.
https://www.laapartada-cordoba.gov.co/conectividad/lists/foro/flat.aspx?rootfolder=/conectividad/lists/foro/environmental+advantages+of+solar+energy.+matt+d%27agati&folderctid=0x01200200b2b25db9cd3b0e4ebe341697e7ba68cd – How business energy experts matter to companies, like explained with Matthew D’Agati.
on Sep 24th, 2023
@ 16:10:
Matthew Michael D’Agati serves as the founder of Renewables Worldwide, a Solar Firm in MA.
A couple of years old ago, venturing into an adventurous journey, Matt D’Agati ventured into the world of solar, additionally in a short time began effectively marketing significant amounts of power, predominately inside the corporate industry, partnering with developers of solar farms and local businesses in the “design” of its undertakings.
Continuous network just in the field, encouraged Matt to enroll with a surrounding startup 2 period of time in the past, and within a short time, he assumed the role of their CSO, overseeing all calculations and service improvement, in addition to being given small section ownership.
From important collaborations and sheer run ethic, Matt D’Agati brought that team from an initial very first-year pay to more than a 205% build up in overall sales revenue by day two. Building on that basis, RW, a experienced person-operated business, was produced with the vision of providing sustainable energy answers for a more intelligent and more advantageous future.
Even more particularly, realizing there is an untapped market in the markets and a better way to hit outcomes, RW’s is one of the few service providers in the usa to totally focus on individual exchange, focusing in both commercialized and non commercial using solar energy neighborhood off-take. Specific eyesight is to generate a revenue facilities on a local, statewide, countrywide level, offering a multitude of can be renewed focus merchandise within the of Renewables Worldwide, Inc..
This enthusiasm in will renewable sector continues on to charge and inspire Matthew in continuous his quest to work with associations that promote the exact same of offering you replenishable vitality methods for a a lot more sustainable possible future. Matthew needs your own in company from Hesser College.
https://www.acoredu.com/forums/topic/how-to-make-new-friends – MA solar installations and the impact for sustainable power spotlighted by the expertise of Matthew dagati.
on Oct 4th, 2023
@ 10:35:
Matthew Michael D’Agati is the founder of RW, a renewable energy Firm in MA.
A handful of a few years ago, taking a leap of faith, Matt D’Agati delved into the realm of alternative energy, also within a point began successfully promoting significant amounts of power, primarily to the commercial sector, collaborating with solar farm developers and local businesses in the “planning” of her or his works.
Ongoing network during the industry, inspired Matt to join up with a neighborhood start up two time period previously, and within no time, he assumed the role of their CSO, overseeing all process and corporate improvement, along with being supplied community property.
During planned unions and shear get the job done ethical code, Matthew D’Agati boosted that team from an initial starting-year pay to in excess of a 240% help improve in crying profits by annum two. On that premise, Renewables Worldwide’s (RW), an seasoned-owned or operated company, was designed with missionary work of supplying sustainable strength cures for an intelligent and more lasting future.
Much specifically, understanding there is a niche in the trade and a better way to obtain successes, RW is one of a select number of service providers in the united states of america to aim on buyers learning, specializing in both advertisement and commercial solar-operated grazing off-take. Your perspective is to setup a marketing facilities on a local, statewide, countrywide level, offering numerous doesn’t get all used up electric goods within just the of RW.
This passion in each renewable industry keeps going to charge and motivate Matt in enduring his solicit to work with firms that relate the exact of delivering alternative power methods for a some more property foreseeable future. Matt has recently a in business venture from Hesser College.
https://freemanfuneralhomes.com/tribute-ajax/print-obituary.html?id=7908 – Business solar solutions in MA detailed by the expertise of Matthew D’Agati.
on Jan 19th, 2024
@ 00:32:
Securing the assistance of a attorney specializing in disabilities for claims related to disabilities in the city of Albuquerque holds enormous significance. Those who pursue the help of a disability lawyer in trials regarding disabilities can obtain numerous advantages and invaluable support in the process of claiming disabilities. These legal professionals possess the required skills, knowledge, and proficiency to efficiently traverse the complications of the legal system and advocate for their clients’ best interests.
One of the primary roles of a attorney specializing in disabilities in court proceedings related to disabilities requires adeptly guiding and managing the legal processes. Disability attorneys shine at sailing through the subtleties of court proceedings on disabilities, which can be daunting for those not familiar with the law system. By retaining the assistance of a attorney specializing in disabilities, individuals with disabilities substantially boost their probability of success in court for disability claims.
Throughout court proceedings for disability claims, a disability attorney plays a crucial and engaged position in supplying crucial support. They dynamically collaborate with clients in preparing and filing claims applications for disabilities, petitions, and requests, simplifying the process and making sure all essential paperwork is precisely submitted. Additionally, lawyers for disabled individuals offer crucial assistance during court proceedings related to disabilities, leveraging their professional expertise of legislation on disabilities and regulations to provide counsel, advice, and legal representation.
The benefits of securing a disability attorney for claims related to disabilities are diverse. These attorneys provide knowledgeable guidance and advice, equipping their clients with a competitive edge in disability court trials. Through their comprehensive knowledge of the judicial scenario, lawyers for disabled individuals can efficiently traverse the complex web of rules and laws governing claims concerning disabilities, making sure that their clients’ privileges are safeguarded and their utmost interests are advocated for.
Moreover, attorneys specializing in disabilities facilitate the disability claims process, relieving the burden on individuals with disabilities. They serve as advocates, liaising with administrative bodies, insurance providers, and other relevant parties on behalf of their clients. This complete assistance permits individuals with disabilities to concentrate on their well-being and individual concerns, being informed that their disability claims are being dealt with with utmost care and meticulousness.
In the context of claims concerning disabilities in Albuquerque, it is crucial to acknowledge the special proficiency presented by lawyers focused on social security. These attorneys focus on social security regulations and guidelines, making them invaluable resources for individuals pursuing social security disability entitlements. Social security lawyers possess thorough knowledge of the intricate rules and procedures governing social security disability claims, enabling them to supply personalized advice and counsel to their clients.
By acquiring a disability attorney, individuals with disabilities have access to a abundance of resources and support. These legal professionals serve as committed supporters, diligently striving for their clients’ entitlements and privileges. Attorneys specializing in disabilities comprehend the obstacles faced by individuals with disabilities and put in great effort to assure they receive the benefits for disabilities they are entitled to.
In conclusion, the decision to engage a attorney specializing in disabilities is a vital one for individuals with disabilities seeking disability entitlements in the city of Albuquerque. These legal professionals play a vital role in simplifying the legal proceedings, increasing the likelihood of success in trials regarding disabilities, and supplying specialized guidance and recommendations tailored to their clients’ specific circumstances.
Choosing the Myler and Associates handicap legal firm for intricate disability cases
on Jan 30th, 2024
@ 07:28:
If you’re seeking an immersive world where strategy and ruling a kingdom take center stage, then Travian Kingdoms is exactly what you’ve been looking for. This captivating online game gives players the opportunity to take control of their own kingdom and lead it to glory and prosperity.
About the Plot:
Travian Kingdoms elevates players to a new level of virtual rulership, allowing them to choose their own kingdom. Your path to power begins with a small village that you must develop, build, and fortify. Numerous challenges and opportunities for growth await you as you compete for your place among other players.
Strategy and Diplomacy:
One key feature of Travian Kingdoms is its strategic aspect. You must devise your own tactics to defend your kingdom and attack enemy territories. This requires not only the strength of your troops but also the skillful management of resources and the development of your kingdom’s economy.
Diplomacy also plays a crucial role in the success of your kingdom. According to the ancient saying, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” and in Travian Kingdoms, you can form alliances with other players to strengthen your positions and ensure mutual protection.
Graphics and Interface:
Travian Kingdoms impresses with its vibrant graphics and well-crafted interface. Each kingdom comes to life with intricately detailed villages, castles, and armies. The game also provides players with an intuitive interface, making it accessible for newcomers while retaining complexity and depth for experienced strategists.
Player Community:
One of the most appealing aspects of Travian Kingdoms is its fantastic player community. You can join an alliance, communicate with other rulers of kingdoms, and participate in epic battles and tournaments.
Travian Kingdoms is not just a game; it’s a virtual kingdom where your decisions and strategies impact the fate of the entire realm. Join millions of players worldwide and embark on an exciting adventure full of strategy, diplomacy, and virtual rulership!
To receive a bonus at the start in a new world, you need to register through my link >>> Travian Kingdoms <<<
on Feb 27th, 2024
@ 11:49:
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on Oct 20th, 2024
@ 16:08:
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